A bit of our schedule...

finish it up guys!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank you!!!
That was FUN ;)

Friday, October 1, 2010

the finale.

oh friends. it's been such a good ride.
these past few days were like a personal echo for me of days that have passed before this exact conference weekend years before.
and as the trial fades, choices made. i realized. i once again have been left with a more resilient desire to follow the Lord. to turn to Him.

satan does all he can to pull us down. ESPECIALLY when we have an opportunity this grand. to hear Gods words made just for us at this moment. its astounding really.

i studied yesterday but didn't record my thoughts. i am glad though that the words came into me. i am not perfect, but God knows my heart, he knows the effort i have put in. the even when my heart ached, i chose every day to accept and study, even if just for a few moments.
'righteousness is essential in the process of achieving an enduring conversion'
'come to a knowledge of the truth, be converted and remain firm in the faith of Christ unto the end'

i realize. God knows we are totally going to mess up.
'we are surrounded by so much that is designed to divert our attention'
He just wants us to try. to return from the bad as unhurt and fast as possible.

i feel like i have a new resolution. and that i can have peace.
'don't despair. time and trust are on your side....the Lord loves me and will make me equal to my mission'

these were some of the thoughts we were left with. these men, Gods words, are so inspiring:
' are the life and teachings of jesus Christ embedded in [my] mind and souls?'
'do [i] pray for miracles?'
'seek to know more about Jesus'
'speak more frequently about Jesus Christ'
'on God, that ye must build your foundation'
'reflect on the life, mission and Resurrection of our Savior'
'ponder the teachings and then apply them in your life'
'my counsel for all of us is to look to the lighthouse of the Lord'
'the Lord hears your prayers'
'find expression in all you do'
'we cannot be casual in how we prepare'

I hope that everyone has felt at least one piece of revelation, guidance. one happier thought, one more second turned to the Savior. that we have been humbled and come prepared to be inspired and directed as we learn more about the person we should strive to become.

don't be afraid, believe.
i don't know what tricks satan has pulled on each of you as this conference approached. but i know that we can win.

i really believe that God knows that 'we want to serve Him' and i know that if we 'Trust in the Lord with all [our] heart' that 'He shall direct [our] paths' and that 'His promised peace be with us'.

i loved doing this. and i hope to do something when this session becomes available.
i love you all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mother, all things and judgment...defective, effective and perspective

the story about the calves in the shade was really a good analogy for me.
"distraction doesn't have to be evil to be effective"
yesterday i had so many good things happen and was really happy and kept meaning to study. then it was late, and one bad thing happened and by that point it was too late. i was already too tired. and not in the right spirit. that's why it's so important to put the things of God first in our day, life is just too crazy to be able to count on 'doing it later'.

and our days and works aren't just for us. 'we never know' when someone needs us. when someone is watching us. how something we are being tried with is the exact strengthening we need to be able to help someone later.

all things work together:
i was just thinking about the boy pitching and hitting to himself. and i wrote in the margin 'i might not be getting one thing i want, but am succeeding at something else. look for the positive'. but now that i am thinking about it, i had a funny thought. i was thinking, 'okay if one thing is failing, then something else has to be working. but that means anything that is happening in our lives CAN be a good thing. it is always dependent on our PERSPECTIVE. aka. life is good, the fact we have breath makes it all worth living.

Gods will. don't whine. seek help. serve. own your choices.
i need to improve on all of these.

'in our trials, let us not become bitter or uncommitted'
in the margin i wrote, 'ouch.'
i'm pretty sure that was a kick in the butt for yesterday. duly noted.

developing good judgment:
i had never really thought of it in this way, the fact we alter entire relationships quickly, "we may often find ourselves making quick judgments about people, which can change or redefine our relationships with them."

"many blessings in life are missed because worldly judgment was applied to what was really a spiritual decision."
newsflash: EVERYTHING is a spiritual decisions.
our body = half our soul.
our beings = temples.
what we choose to do with ourselves is kind of a big deal.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


god blessed me so much today.
and what did i do in return?
not schedule time to study and thank him.


"Now, I realize that it is much easier to look back when a trial is over and see what we have learned from our experience, but the challenge is to gain that eternal perspective while we are going through our tests. To some, our trials may not seem great, but to each of us who are passing through these experiences, the trials are real and require us to humble ourselves before God and learn from Him."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Our duty to God....be there, don't be square

'leading by example'
'this takes DAILY determination and diligence.'

i think something that really stood out the most to me was the emphasis on the physicality part of what relationships. the idea that it takes more then love in your heart, on your own time. but REALLY giving of yourself. your time. your effort:
'walking along side them'
'we must plan and take advantage of teaching moments'
'regular, warm, caring interaction'
'pay attention'
'use the time'
'participate fully'
'tell them that you love them, and that god loves them'
'they must DO'
most of all, the question ----"Are you in there?"

it made me really want to strive to be totally in conversations and interactions i am having. i once read a talk, that i wish i could remember the name of. but the idea was to 'be there'. there was a rundown of things. something to the effect of "when you are in class, be there. when you are in sacrament, be there. when you are with your friends, be there. when you are called in heaven, be there." okay it was a lot more eloquent, but thats the gist. i think about that often. it's a horrible way to live your life dwelling on being somewhere else. being in a class, worrying about a project at work. hanging out with your friends, while really being distracted texting someone else. being at church, and trying to rush and make up your lesson for the next meeting.

but the idea is that each part of our life deserves its own attention, and at the appropriate time. really talk to someone, and freely. prepare for the sabbath before hand so the morning can run smoothly and focused on the Savior. get things in order and 'be there'. ESPECIALLY for your family.

don't be discouraged, no matter the situations you face.
"do all things that lie in our power" and remember "there is no failure except in giving up."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Generations linked in love...best gift ever!

i was just thinking about the game 'white elephant'. it's one of my very favorite things to play ever, especially with good friends and family. i was wondering, what is it about that game that i love so much? well, it's inexpensive, but it's so fun to go shopping or search around the house for a gift. it is funny, a good time to bond, it's usually played around Christmas time (the celebration of Christ), and it's not really so much about the gift as it is about the time spent together and the memories you take home with you.

when Nelson said, "they are literally helping to exalt their families", i thought BEST GIFT EVER! haha. i guess it's not exactly the same as white elephant but somehow. it's inexpensive, but putting in the work can actually be really fun. and it is so amazing! really, you are being the link between them and exaltation. the work put in and the temple service would have SO much more meaning! it is so amazing.

"this is joyful work." !
God just must love us so much. each and every child is so special. it must make Him and the people we serve so happy!

i can't wait for Heaven, i bet perfected beings give the best hugs ever.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

He is Risen!.... i read, and i believe it

"if a man die, shall he live again?"--job.
"EVERY other living man or woman has pondered"--monson
this really stood out to me, you know how i love absolute terms. it really made me realize, no matter how much some people seem to careless about God and what they do with their lives...they can't help but think what is happening next. knowing that makes us have a job. we have answers that others do not. and EVERYONE cares about this answer.
"man alone received intelligence-- a brain, a mind, and a SOUL"
okay i was under the impression that every living thing has a soul?
okay this is a question for anyone who has an answer.

"we knew our purpose was to:
1.gain a physical body
2.overcome trials
3.prove that we would keep the commandments"
the thought, 'what about the 'that men might have joy' part'? it's not, that we just came here to play. i was thinking the joy comes through overcoming those trials and knowing we are making God happy. not just pure frivolity.

reading about Christ's last days always makes me tear up. i mean the physical pain must have just been excruciating. the thing that really gets me though is His never ending compassion. i am pretty sure the kindest words in all the scriptures are "father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." i am not even that forgiving sometimes when people cut me in the grocery line.

LOVE this parallel, i had not thought about it before.
"for as in adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
Men bring death. Christ brings life. thats so beautiful.

the story of Jason is so hardcore. i love it. we talked about it in relief society last week, i had a rare chance to go since my class was covered in primary.
"Called to serve their missions together--on both sides of the veil". really? heartbreak hotel. but so lovely.

i love how President Monson kept saying "i have read...and i believe". those are some of the strongest words. and i really feel like i want to start taking claim of my beliefs like that. turns out i know stuff. i have been reading...and i do believe. challenge to all to really take ownership of their testimonies. you put in the time, you are worthy to have all the Lord has for you.