A bit of our schedule...

finish it up guys!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank you!!!
That was FUN ;)


  1. Whitney Slade, this is Cody Waldon. I love this blog, and I'm so glad I found it. I didn't know what to expect when I set out to see how you are doing... I know it's been a while, but I would love to speak with you and hear about everything that is going on. E-mail me if you get this, please. cody.waldon.csb@gmail.com

  2. I've been looking for you, but can't find you, again.

  3. ----- faithful?
    whits husband: we have two kids, its not just whit your flirting with, its a family as of now. I don't agree with you and I guess you will do whatever you want if you are okay with that. I was just letting you know you are flirting with a married woman living in my house.

    Just one of her facebook relationships: As far as me and Whitney flirting.....I'd first like to say that I thought you two were seperated. She said she handnt seen you for a while so again I assumed that meant you guys had moved on and were away from each other. We didnt get hard core about anything. We both expressed how life can be lonely and that it would be nice to have some one close to be with. The extent of any physical engagement was a desire to cuddle.
