A bit of our schedule...

finish it up guys!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Place no more for the enemy of my soul...and he freakin means it.

okay what?
did anyone else notice how an apostle said this:
'access to a global cesspool of perceptions that could blast a crater in their brains forever.'

really? BLAST A CRATER INTO THEIR BRAINS?? was that really necessary?
i had heard and read this talk before and somehow missed that line before.
he freaking means it.

i realize more and more everyday just how serious this all is. i mean, i know that the Lord has a plan and that it is important, but now is the time-- we are being called to stand and fight.

how do we change and be better?
'start by separating yourself from people, materials, and circumstances that will harm you' and 'do not leave a forwarding address'
'just run—run as far away as you can get from whatever or whoever it is that beguiles you'

this isn't a time to float around.
'bold is what we need to be'.

i love the idea that we have control of so much. sometimes i forget just how powerful we are.
"Whatever thoughts you have, make sure they are welcome in your heart by invitation only. As an ancient poet once said, let will be your reason"

that gives me so much strength.

this thought above all was humbling:
"remember that the only real control in life is self-control".

i have a lot of things to work on. but i was happy when i realized today that i set 2 huge goals for myself over a month ago and haven't missed yet. time to add something else, i am gunna try and figure it out tomorrow and let you know what i decide.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, anytime an apostle says "blast a crater" one should pay attention. Also, I recognize I'm late the party, but luckily, I am SO good at reading. I will catch up and be on board. No problem.
