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Friday, September 24, 2010

We follow Jesus Christ (and from yesterday)....play nice.

neglected to blog about this talk yesterday.
That our children might see the face of the Savior:

i had 2 favorite parts to this talk. the first of which being that she outlines 3 specific things we are to do. and i feel like she got them in order and hit it SPOT ON!

first favorite part.
1. love the Lord. and love others
NOTHING we do in this life matters or is good if we don't have love for God. and if we disregard other people.

2. become a worthy example
okay, so you love God? what are you going to do with all that love and devotion? try and be like Him. and try with everything you've got.

3. teach.
only after you have your priorities in order and your crap together does she say to open your mouth and talk about it to other people. how glorious an idea this is.

second favorite part
"none of us will be a perfect example...our STRIVING to be worthy is an example in itself."
LOVE this. it made me think of my parents. they aren't perfect. they don't and won't ever claim to be. but they are amazing people and i know they strive to be better. and it has been a good example to me.

We follow Jesus Christ:

holy crap. i want to say like a million things that came to my mind.

"sacrament meeting is the MOST sacred and holy of ALL meetings in the church."
"if we are to be His disciples and to be his committed members of His church, we must remember and reverence sacrament."

this past week i had a really cool experience with sacrament. so i play piano in the sacrament meetings most weeks during the month. i only sometimes practice the hymns before hand. i usually wake up with exactly enough time, rush to get ready, always forget something, run on the bus and metro, haul it to the church building and get there just barely on time.

then last week i thought, wow i need to do my calling better and get myself to church earlier. i really practiced the hymns beforehand. i prepared the night before, cleaned my room, had everything ready to go, my clothes picked out, already had shaved my legs. and i woke up and everything was lovely. luckily enough, i remembered i was supposed to teach sharing time that week (which i had forgotten) but i had enough time to prepare and of course. i get to church and it was just lovely. inspiration just flew into my mind.

play nice.
"how we relate and interact with each other is a measure of our willingness to follow Jesus Christ."
"how we disagree is a REAL MEASURE of who we are and whether we truly follow the Savior."
did either of these statements make anyone else cringe a little bit?

"we can spend our lives trying to be more loving and kind, REGARDLESS of the adversity we face."
i really love when they lay out life goals for us. i know God loves everyone, but i guess it constantly opens my mind to the idea that He cares so much if WE are nice and love everyone too.

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