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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mother, all things and judgment...defective, effective and perspective

the story about the calves in the shade was really a good analogy for me.
"distraction doesn't have to be evil to be effective"
yesterday i had so many good things happen and was really happy and kept meaning to study. then it was late, and one bad thing happened and by that point it was too late. i was already too tired. and not in the right spirit. that's why it's so important to put the things of God first in our day, life is just too crazy to be able to count on 'doing it later'.

and our days and works aren't just for us. 'we never know' when someone needs us. when someone is watching us. how something we are being tried with is the exact strengthening we need to be able to help someone later.

all things work together:
i was just thinking about the boy pitching and hitting to himself. and i wrote in the margin 'i might not be getting one thing i want, but am succeeding at something else. look for the positive'. but now that i am thinking about it, i had a funny thought. i was thinking, 'okay if one thing is failing, then something else has to be working. but that means anything that is happening in our lives CAN be a good thing. it is always dependent on our PERSPECTIVE. aka. life is good, the fact we have breath makes it all worth living.

Gods will. don't whine. seek help. serve. own your choices.
i need to improve on all of these.

'in our trials, let us not become bitter or uncommitted'
in the margin i wrote, 'ouch.'
i'm pretty sure that was a kick in the butt for yesterday. duly noted.

developing good judgment:
i had never really thought of it in this way, the fact we alter entire relationships quickly, "we may often find ourselves making quick judgments about people, which can change or redefine our relationships with them."

"many blessings in life are missed because worldly judgment was applied to what was really a spiritual decision."
newsflash: EVERYTHING is a spiritual decisions.
our body = half our soul.
our beings = temples.
what we choose to do with ourselves is kind of a big deal.

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